克里斯安吉尔魔术教学 Criss Angel – Master Mindfreaks(1-5)

经过全球爱好者两年苦苦的等待,CRISS ANGEL终于罕有地推出了他的个人教学,顿时吸引全世界的眼球,而且是一連五片DVD!內容不再像以往一般只有表演或一個教學。今次每片DVD都有多個魔術教學。成为2007年度最具影响力的魔术教材。如此震撼的作品包含了CRISS原创魔术以内的一共70多个魔术!透過這五片DVD,Criss Angel將會一步步教你一些可隨手表演的魔術,甚至當中包括他自創的獨家魔術。而且,Criss Angel联同世界著名魔术师JOHNNY THOMPSON.CRISS ANGEL与你在HOLLYWOOD面对面,亲身示范.不但可以学会实现每一个感官冲击,更可参考CRISS ANGIL的表演流程,令你的互动更加生动有趣.不存在华而不实,每一个魔术都是值得学习并马上可以表演的精品!任何人都不容错过!(1-4集为无道具即兴魔术,第5集需要小道具配合)

Criss Angel,considered to be the most influential name in magic today,releases his highlyanticipated and critically acclaimed teaching DVD series Criss Angel Master MINDFREAKS.Each DVD is filled with mind-blowing MINDFREAKS personally created and/or hand picked byCriss Angel. First, Criss performs each demonstration with legendary and world-renownedmagician Johnny Tompson in front of a live audience at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA.Then they personally teach you everything you need to know step-by-step so you too canmaster each MINDFREAK. Whether you are young or old, a beginner or a magic enthusiast,delve inside the exciting and mysterious art of magic, illusion and mentalism as you learnto master each demonstration with your incomparable teachers Criss Angel and JohnnyTompson.

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